Digital Blurring

Week 7


As Howell (2013) mentions in the lecture video for this week digital blurring acquires us to think about the things we do in our private digital world and whether or not it influences what we do in our work and study life. I have come to the conclusion that my private digital world such as using; Facebook, Tumblr, Pintrest, PlayStation, online games, texting, instagram, iPhone for example does actually impact my study and work life.


I think this is because from using these technologies I gain skills, which I can then transfer to when I have to use technology in my work and study life. As Howell (2013) mentions for example playing the PlayStation or online games in your own time can help us to understand how the gaming platforms work therefore when I become a teacher these skills can be transferred into learning games, and I will understand how these gaming platforms work.


Integrating learning games into the classroom can help develop fine motor skills, hand and eye co-ordination when focusing on student’s physical requirements. Games are an exciting and engaging tool of technology that can be used by students and teachers to assist in learning. This can be in a variety of different learning areas as some game sites online cater to particular learning areas and ages.



(Switch Automation, 2014)



Howell, J. (2014). Living and Learning in the Digital World Mod 02 04 Week 7 [ilecture]. Retrieved from

Switch Automation: Intelligent Building Platform. (2014). 14 Apr/Trend Talk + Pitch Off: The Digital-Physical Blur [image]. Retrieved from

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